Thursday, April 10, 2008

Summary of this week

Guess what, we had a holiday on Friday to celebrate the good A levels result this year for my school. Although the same can't be said when our batch takes back the A levels. We'll properly make Saturday an extra school day in the curriculum. Anyway that's still relatively "far" away. I missed the movie marathon in school on Thursday night. Don't plan on going anyway, too tired, too lazy and I just don't like Chinese movies. If there's 300 or Sin City or Final Fantasy Advent Children in the next movie marathon, well you can count me in. Besides that, I think there was not really any difference this week. It is notable that I finished 2 lecture tests this week. I don't know why they like to cramp these things, especially before a holiday. And I just realized a dire fact, I don't know how to tie knots. This is the most fundamental and essential skill in Physic practical. But I can spend several minutes doing a simple knot. Physic practical always use the most primitive materials to do the experiments. Well, let's not discuss this as it really brings me a ton of stress and anxiety. With the presidential elections happening all around the world (Kenya, Taiwan(completed),Zimbabwe, the US), it couldn't make sense that my school don't copy and do something similar. Of course, one key trait of the locals in the country I'm in now is that they know too well how to imitate others.(Hell to the yeah for .ISO use then.) Therefore the Student council election was born. I wonder if this is just a political rift to spike up our lives or what. In terms of entertainment, it have some value. But in terms of usefulness and to the success of the school, totally pointless. What's more, it is sapping the school's resources. All this could be potentially used to help the student community by buying the lecture notes and all the miscellaneous stuff which is an economical burden to the school population. When you get hungry and poor students, the school generally don't do well. Politics is such a mystery. There's really no word to describe a political scene. Whenever a candidate comes on stage and gives their empty promises, I wonder if I'm watching a Just for variety(with all the talents), School Idol(all the singing) or Just for gag. With the candidates being the prankster and us being the victim, they'll astonish us with all their gibberish and in the end saying that all this is just a joke. It's not funny actually, but in front of cameras, we've got to smile. Painfully. Well, I guess you can't ask much out of people. After all, we're just humans. We all make mistakes, just that the guy standing at the school gate everyday at 7:30 don't know that. And whoever vows his/her life to provide free lecture notes for our life in school, I'll definitely vote for. Up till now I've seen none. Maybe there would be one, but I always know that that person is joking.

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