Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Steel rain

Take out the big guns. We're needing it. No. It's not a drill. Never had my body been in such a mode since those crazy days of the O level. The arrival of the SPA examination had me getting near death experiences. It's never pretty to have such practical exams. I never liked it for my entire life. I wonder what are the chances of timing pendulums in my working life. And wonder ever more when it comes to why the education requires such "skills". The world's already technologically well ahead of these methods. I guess things which are totally far apart can affect each other radically. Who would guess in the 1960s that watching TV or using the fridge would be a mean to kill polar bears. But it is. Unless you believe that global warming's a myth. Back to this week before we think too far and start to drift off into a parallel dimension. This week, it's still full of politics, fiery, tension and intensity. If it's compared to the English Premier League, it may even beat it hands down. The main important and significant events are the council investiture, my birthday last Saturday to name a few. Yes, I'm already 17. One year closer to death and another year of experience into my life. Actually birthdays aren't that important. It's not unique and always happen no matter what we do. We all grow up and... who knows what happens. The council investiture, I got no comments. Did a little job for them in exchange for CIP hours. It was relatively fun to station at the side gate and welcome the outsiders coming in with Huan Yu and a new friend Yi Han. Coincidentally, Huan Yu got the same birthday as me. Besides that, we are poles apart, in terms of everything, financially, physically and others. Just that we get along well. Now that's what important. Congrats to theCrew member Elliot being the president of the photography club. Not to mention Zheng Hui too. He achieved his goal in the EXCO. Y'know, somehow "I told you so" just doesn't quite say it. Anyway, Labour Day's a life saver. Thrusday was never good in my context. Basically, there is never a positive word to describe school. Not that I could think of. And get ready, all those Online Football Managers out there. Whether you're the friendly rivals or the rivalry friends. The game is on. Only on the pitch can we decide our paths. So move off Forbidden Kingdom. The rollin' thunder's coming. Even the skies are darker these days.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Immortality, take it. It's yours.

It just feels good to have a day without cca. Nothing beats the pleasure of arriving home in the afternoon with time to spend for yourselves. These things are rare nowadays. Especially in my school. It would be the optimum day if not for the physics test. But nothing in the world's prefect. These weeks are project filled, not to mention that the practicals are coming. As how important the Pennsylvania elections is to Hillary Clinton this week, it 's going to be the same for me sometime down this road.Well, I am totally not prepared. Suddenly time seems to fly so fast. Looking a little further ahead, there's only one month left before the mid years. Yes I could hear the f word. On theory, it is supposed to be the period which you work hard, but all these can't be done. To sum up the week, I had the physical education test and I passed the 5 stations. Well, quite a surprise for me as I usually fail the standing board jump. So a great improvement to my attributes of this area. As for life, well, Monday was as usual, Tuesday was screwed up. There were heavy rain, there was make up cca, there was a lot of difficult subjects and it was the latest day in my entire timetable. Not to mention the extra econs before cca. And to leave a final vendetta on me, I had to come to school earlier before the normal wednesday timing for some house elections. The house election is student council election downgraded. Although the candidates are somewhat unpromising, I still have to vote in pursue of the interest of maximizing society's welfare. Although this might hurt my satisfaction as a consumer, sacrifices had to be made. Well the same can't be said of the world now, nobody's giving a damn on how the food prices are. There are shortages everywhere. Recently, there was the shortage of butter in Japan. And these problems are definitely not going to be solved at this rate. Of course I'm in no position to criticize as I have no plan myself to change the world but I think that war would be soon if we don't solve these issues. I'm definitely not going to entertain constant increase in price in my school canteen which would really sicken the school population. As our trouble increases like oil price or food price, I think that nobody have given so much to the world like we humans do. No wonder we deserve to 'rule' this world. If you can't sense the irony and sarcasm in my statement, then you really are a wonder. So everyone get ready cos' it's going to get heavy. Polytechnic's starting for all those who chose that route and junior college's getting worse. So embrace and savour the little time you have for yourselves. Immortality take it. It's yours. Grab it while stock last.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Cbox screwed up

I really don't know what happened but apparently Cbox screwed up and I had to change the template to another and reinsert the Cbox codes. All the previous tags are gone. Sorry to all the viewers out there.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How things turned out and code geass 2

Well, I know I always give some lousy title but believe me, it is hard to find a suitable title to suit the post. I just hate to link cause there are always zero link between anything we do nowadays and why we do it. I got no example, just think about it and there are many cases in everyone's life. I know I always digress. But I couldn't help it. Maybe it's just my writing style. This week is just as tiring but due to the longer weekend, I felt quite well for the first two days, but after the third day, it falls lower than Shawty in "Low". The worrying part is that I don't think it is going to get better. Basically, there had been holes and gaps happening in every subject I take. I wish I could do something about it but there can be really no time for me to do. I am willing but unable. That comes to a point, I may have to wake up earlier next time to catch the train. Somewhat tired of squeezing with others and unable to tolerate the ever changing bus services. They evolve faster than bacteria but they don't follow that guy Darwin's law. It always come too early or too late or "appear" to have come but just never there, a mirage I could say. Never a fixed time. That's why I came up with the conclusion," I would potentially be the top 20 earliest in the school if not for other students and the bus service." This could even be more important than newton's laws in the future. The general rule to not being late. This week ends partially here, what's next to come, I cannot predict but if I say it, it wouldn't be a surprise. And that security who scolded me for not clearing the plate, obviously you haven't know about theCrew and have a IQ of (-X)^(1/2) where X is any real number and not negative.
The good news, Code Geass rocks to the core for now. The twist of fates makes me to think of those good old days. It's never to late to catch code geass. If you haven't watch it, there are major spoilers:
Suzuka betrayed Leblouch and sent him to the Emperor for memory rewriting during the period of the first season. The Emperor got Geass on both eyes. Suzuka become a Knight of the Round. Leblouch having being himself again takes some light work of Britainna forces. Some Kallen fanservice. Rollo appeared to have a geass but not sure what. ( According to a epsiode 3 leak, it seems to be time stop. Whether this is creditable is unknown, and the Code Geass staff have emergency meetings to rewrite the scripts because of the leak.)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Code Geass R2. Welcome back commander.

I don't do these things often, so whoever's reading this should feel honored that he/she can see me blog twice in a day. It's like finding a legendary pokemon outside the grass patch of Pallet town. But Pokemons are nothing compared to Code Geass. The show I anticipated for this season. Now, there would be long queues outside Pizza Hut to support the rebellion. With a good plot, girls which exceed expectations and mecha from the 1980s. What more can you ask for. Yes, Zero's back. And there must destruction before reconstruction. But somehow, I'm a Britannia supporter. They have the better tech, ideology and better genes.(NB:kallen's half britannia)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Summary of this week

Guess what, we had a holiday on Friday to celebrate the good A levels result this year for my school. Although the same can't be said when our batch takes back the A levels. We'll properly make Saturday an extra school day in the curriculum. Anyway that's still relatively "far" away. I missed the movie marathon in school on Thursday night. Don't plan on going anyway, too tired, too lazy and I just don't like Chinese movies. If there's 300 or Sin City or Final Fantasy Advent Children in the next movie marathon, well you can count me in. Besides that, I think there was not really any difference this week. It is notable that I finished 2 lecture tests this week. I don't know why they like to cramp these things, especially before a holiday. And I just realized a dire fact, I don't know how to tie knots. This is the most fundamental and essential skill in Physic practical. But I can spend several minutes doing a simple knot. Physic practical always use the most primitive materials to do the experiments. Well, let's not discuss this as it really brings me a ton of stress and anxiety. With the presidential elections happening all around the world (Kenya, Taiwan(completed),Zimbabwe, the US), it couldn't make sense that my school don't copy and do something similar. Of course, one key trait of the locals in the country I'm in now is that they know too well how to imitate others.(Hell to the yeah for .ISO use then.) Therefore the Student council election was born. I wonder if this is just a political rift to spike up our lives or what. In terms of entertainment, it have some value. But in terms of usefulness and to the success of the school, totally pointless. What's more, it is sapping the school's resources. All this could be potentially used to help the student community by buying the lecture notes and all the miscellaneous stuff which is an economical burden to the school population. When you get hungry and poor students, the school generally don't do well. Politics is such a mystery. There's really no word to describe a political scene. Whenever a candidate comes on stage and gives their empty promises, I wonder if I'm watching a Just for variety(with all the talents), School Idol(all the singing) or Just for gag. With the candidates being the prankster and us being the victim, they'll astonish us with all their gibberish and in the end saying that all this is just a joke. It's not funny actually, but in front of cameras, we've got to smile. Painfully. Well, I guess you can't ask much out of people. After all, we're just humans. We all make mistakes, just that the guy standing at the school gate everyday at 7:30 don't know that. And whoever vows his/her life to provide free lecture notes for our life in school, I'll definitely vote for. Up till now I've seen none. Maybe there would be one, but I always know that that person is joking.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Editor's special weekend report.

This is ground breaking. Me suddenly blogging out of nowhere and during the wrong time. Well, if you all know me well, I always do things with a purpose. If I don't, I'll try making one. Actually, this post is dedicated to Friday. Nothing significant to others out there but it is an interesting day to me. So I'll like to note this day down before I forget or something happens. There's a few parts to it so I'll need time to recall. I''m no Protoss Arbiter.
1) Science Fiesta: It is the science fair. But no, there are no synthetic volcano with baking soda. Mansifield( a classmate and good friend. What's more he knows theCrew which makes his importance and value rise exponentially ), Christian( everyone knows Christian, unless you're living under a box ), Chia Siang( couldn't attend the science fair but build the car! ) and I went for the car glider challenge. It was a hotly contest event. It matters more to people than the North London derby or the Old Firm derby. There were a lot of competitors and by doing the permutations and combinations, our chances of winning anything were slim. But we broke all the criticism and we emerged 3rd. We hoped and anticipated for a prize. But there was only prize for the 1st and 2nd. Totally unorthodox and heretic to the way prizes were given in the course of history. I don't know why, I hope someone could explain this. It's all a deja vu. In my education career, I can only go so close to winning but never winning. "So near yet so far" can explain my life in five words. Just a foot of note, we were supposed to first if the right conditions were met, we retried the car glider and it have the potential to beat the number one hands down. But something like Manchester United against Wolves, we were not fated to win.
2) Due to unforseen consequences, we did not have cca for friday. Thus I embarked on a trip to accompany another bunch of my friends to help them in their photo taking competition. Although at the time of the event, everything look so quite and normal but they were doing a lot to take and get the pictures they need. I think photography teaches people about little details. Sometimes I need to learn photography. The people on this trip were Elliot( theCrew member!!!! w00t! ), Zheng Hui ( Zheng Hui's Zheng Hui. No more no less ), Deborah ( From the same cca. Know a lot of my friends too. ) It is really great to have this type of trips. Einstein said that "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." I agree totally, trips do not need to involve a lot of money or too complicated. Just some simple trips to the park or something, all this leaves a bigger impact and influence on you than any other trips. The destination was Bedok Reservoir. I never liked that place really, anything related to Bedok. But it was good to go somewhere and step out of the comfort zone and meet hostile people and animals. Anyway, I really hope to have more of these next time, just hanging around and doing anything we like. It would help psychologically to just keep our heads refresh and just forget about school and all its rubbish.
These are important events I guess, of course there are more important things, but this are the little details. Yes, maybe I learnt something.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

What happens when you stare into space.

I know I placed a weird title, but it is just the feeling when this blog is written. I couldn't get anything much to write about. I won't say what or why but it just feels this way. So this week's report would be something random. Let's start by talking about me, what happened this week. Well, I got good news and some bad news. I know i always say that. The good news is that my project is feasible, that means a lot to continuing the pain and agony of the journey. The only problem is the creative part. All my life I have grown up from a state of education which never teaches creativity. So thinking out of the box is considered a crime. That's not all, but I feel that some of the subjects I took are getting out of hand. Well what's the good news, I really don't know, but that's what a optimistic teaches you, the illusion of value. Anyway, this post is going nowhere, I'm on a tight schedule and I got things to do. Blogging now having becoming insignificant to my lifestyle. Yes, school have taken everything that we value. Today learning point: You don't know what you don't know. Sounds crappy? Actually it is more true than you think. It's ok if you don't get this post or any of the contents this week. You still won't be the first human to fail the Turing test. Rest assure.