Friday, May 30, 2008

The holidays and a letter from hell

Finally it is the holidays, I know it's a bit slow as the first week of holidays is nearing its end. But I had some things which required my immediately so I was out of contact and eventually out of the blogging world for some time. As in what the matter is, it would be discussed in the near future, as it would be quite interesting I guess. In my whole week of holiday, I meet with various milestones and experiences, didn't get to go on a holiday though, due to that important event. There was the elearning, which in my opinion can be considered a tragedy to the students like how the story of Iliad was to the Greeks. As least for me, you can say that things never went smoothly for me during the two days. The timetable clearly didn't serve it's purpose, but that's good in some way as you can access the system as when you like. The only problem was that the learning environment was not compatible with the legendary Firefox, which have for years served Takshun with such vigor and effectiveness that you can't say no to Open source software. I never liked venturing into Microsoft's products, not that I don't trust big corporations, but I always have a bad feeling when I use Microsoft's softwares(with the exception of Windows XP which I had to use). Like there's the "It's a trap!" from Admiral Ackbar. No choice, sacrifices had to be made for the greater good. So I installed Microsoft's IE7 to view the elessons. Sadly, I ejected into my Warhammer 40k after 2 mins of lagging with the lessons. So the time wasn't badly spent by me for elearning. When one door's closed for you, there would always be another opened. In the rims of the IT world, the gaming industry always welcome computer users with open arms. A side note, I found it quite slow of IE to incorporate tabs as to Firefox. So another victory for Open source. During the holidays, I found that my time could become much more flexible, I had cereal at 12 and then I watched TV in my pajamas, and I wondered how the TV got into my pajamas in the first place. Haha. Zheng Hui styled jokes aside. Really, I found that the world is more peaceful without our "benefactors" controlling our lives. I better savour all the free time I get before the dread examinations. Damn, the exam is really the major spoiler in this tranquility period. I have tons of unfinished lessons to get straight with before I can even gain entry into the exam hall. That's enough of exams, it gives me an instant headache thinking about it. Another event was that I received a postcard with a "Happy Grandparents Day" greetings on. Although it looks ordinary with the normal pictures, but one with an IQ of 50 would immediately be suspicious of who would send this "card" to a 17 year old. And to my dismay, it was from my most feared High school, calling me to go back to collect my certificate. Oh, I can't even type out the name of the school as it brings chills down my spine. I can see how the school manipulated me during my high school days to write down my very own address on the card. I bet I was drunk when I wrote it. But though disturbing, I too found it a little assuring that the school haven't destroyed everything that belongs to us. So I most probably would venture back to that place with theCrew. We're already graduates, what can do they do to us right? I hope I don't bump into my band, I'll be screwed as all the crazy and torturous memories return in my mind. Anyway that's all I guess. The holidays would be fruitfully used I hope, cause I don't really get much of these times.

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