Thursday, March 27, 2008

A tough week.And it won't get better

This week is tough, I must admit it. Sometimes it is moments like this that makes people morale low. It crushes morale. And I really need more motivation and energy to work on and continue on my life. Let me elaborate more, it was during a linguistic period and I was forced to do a presentation, I went up to do the presentation out of good will and of no other alternative. Well it was going well but the teacher bombarded me and my group with questions. That was not the bad thing, yes I was attacked by all sides but I live to see another day. It was the aftermath (which happened the follow day) that is the bad one. The teacher commented that we wasted one period of her/his(as always I never want to pinpoint people, so this particular individual's gender is covered up, no mean intentions) lesson during the following tutorial. Well, the feeling just sucks. Totally. After putting in your effort into something, be it forced or not, and getting unappreciative comments is not the way to do things.I think the teacher hates me. But nevertheless, thank God that she's not my A level marker. That's the first. Secondly it is my project work. I have yet to come up with a feasible PI. This type of ideas don't come as when you like it. There must be this "spark" which would give you the breakthrough. My current and previous state of education have never taught us to think out of the box. So it exacerbated the problem. Therefore in damage control, I got to research on my PI during the weekend. Another work on the endless mass of homework flowing in.
Worse, I got a big event coming up next Monday, it would be a difficult barrier to overcome, it takes a lot of physical energy and strength. I won't elaborate on that. I need some privacy to myself. On top of that, CCA started, it was quite average for my practice but deep down my heart, I know that it could only get worse and intense. So I won't be so optimistic about that either. There you have it, another weekly report. Try to relax and enjoy the crisis. Yeah maybe I should do that.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The holidays and something new

It really is something we all should learn not to do. Never over exert yourselves. During the 1st day of the holidays, my good old PAE friends and I went to play soccer at the cage. Sure it was fun and adrenaline filled event but after that I had something on, so I couldn't attend the BBQ at one of their houses. It was supposed to be a class outing, but I couldn't attend the whole of it. I felt that I had let them down, as if I abandoned them during times of war. It was like when Rohan was invaded by Easterlings but Gondor could do nothing to help. These chances don't come often and I regret it, maybe for life or at least for years to come. As for the over exerting part, it was painful straight the next day. Fatigue had broken into my body and I was aching mentally and physically. It was a bad experience. My legs were sore and painful, rendering me quite unable to walk. Right now, I'm still regaining my fitness hopefully before the next PE. I hope I can get at least a Sliver for NAFA. It wouldn't be easy, but I'll try my best. Standing board jump was my weakest link. As for why I didn't blog, complaints had flown in on the tag board and I apologize to those who really dedicate some of their time reading this. "Holidays are free and easy days." is a myth. I was caught up and I didn't blog because I had some things to settle. Besides it was hard to think of topics during the holidays. And blogging wasn't my highest priority.
Something new, well, I must say quite a few things are new. There is PW, the dreaded subject which would sap all the time from a student. New tutorials which I had to settle in soon. Worse of all, there is the pace that we're going. Too fast, too furious. Of course when there are bad things, there would be good things. In life, these two comes hand in hand, no more no less. I got a new guitar! For $180, I finally got a decent guitar. A Hofner series, not sure which but it was love at first sight. Thanks theCrew for following me and helping me with the selection. Spending money is the easy part, learning to play, well takes a lot more. I think I can contribute some time in it. Or else life would be even more mandate and boring. And now, my friend and I are creating a new trend, Holicks time. We drink holicks together at a fixed time. Everyday one cup of holicks. Now this is good, unless later research shows that holicks is cancer causing. Which we would return to our Father in heaven earlier.
This week's conclusion: when there is demand there will be supply. This blog won't fall so fast, not yet. At least you wouldn't hear things like " In order to serve you all better, I am discontinuing this blog." For now.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Just another week or.......

Welcome back, basically, this whole week had been hectic for me. I didn't get much rest these few days as I had to settle down with my new class and there are things which needs to be addressed. But whatever the case I got to get on with life. Actually I got no topic to discuss with everyone. So I would just go on describing what I did for this week. Well, it was fun actually, the CCA orientation, the people I hang out with during the breaks but I just hate to wait. I had been waiting my whole life, waiting for lessons to start, waiting for the results or just waiting for that special somebody. The temporary time table is really a bad way to waste time. I really hope there would be no more of this. Most of my day is wasted and I would just lose the motivation and the energy to carry on after all this. The March holidays are coming, I finally get to rest at home for a while. But I guess all this is just the calm before the storm. Looking at the payload of work about to come, I feel like as if there is a legion of necrons in front of me, ready to pound and slaughter me. Anyway, I am really going out of topics to talk about. I can't write long essays, I wish I can. But I'll lose the plot somewhere or I would just have a brain block. Which is why I can never go to Arts. I just can't understand the beauty behind the paintings or the meaning behind some abstract. Picasso, Van Gogh, they are like aliens to me. And don't even mention the Louvre Museum. The only art I can relate merely is music. But I never have the talent for it. I wish to talk about politics too. But politics is the darkest thing on earth. Human nature at its worse. We never expect anything much from politicians. But I learned not to anger them. We never know what they could do to punish you. A sex scandal or just a bullet through the head. People says that it is always easier to criticize than to be constructive. Nevertheless, I always believe in constructive criticisms.