Saturday, October 13, 2007


It rained the whole day at my area, making me soaking wet even a short trip to the 7-11 store nearby. But at least it was windy and I don't need to go to school where I would get disgusted by how slow the bus was and the crazy traffic jams outside the main road of the school. Nothing pretty much happened that the newspaper was boring as the Sport section was all about European qualifiers and I don't really like International soccer. The review was shitty too, all local editors and I don't really trust the way they write and the contents in it, unlike sometimes you get good reviews from maybe the New York Times or The standard or a professor from some university and there is clearly a distinguishing gap between the level of intelligence and class between the two. Watched Man vs Wild later at night, nice show. Wish to have more tags coming in by the way. This is a cool website:
Here's one comic from the site, it is similar to Dilbert which I enjoy too.

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