Thursday, November 15, 2007

Killing spree of 600s

Nope. Before you call 911, I did it on AIs, not your neighbours. Max Payne, who could forget the killer with the bullet time to clear the whole room. His constipated expression when opening fire at his enemies looks so funny. Hell, it's time to get even. Rushing into rooms like GTA and even with the all famous "It's a trap!" by admiral Ackbar ringing in my head, I couldn't care less. All rockstar games rocks. Beside the table tennis or tennis created by them. Nobody plays sports on Rockstar games. Ask Claude for an instance(he probably won't answer you anyway), what did he do with the baseball bat, hit the ball for the home run? No way, he protect Misty from gangster to make sure she isn't morgue meat. Tommy didn't play golf in the golf club, he hunt down the fat guy he needs to completed the mission. Here's a video I find nice, GTA lucky star.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Duty calls

Welcome to Black Mesa.

Name:Barney Calhoun

Job:Mid-level security

Level 3 security clearance

Disaster Response Priority-Protect the Black Mesa facility and its equipment in the event of an emergency.

Secondary priority-Safeguard members of the science team.

Low priority- Personal safety.

Ahh, the good old days back in Black Mesa. What possibly could happen? Another day for a security guy like me to fix some lights and open doors for the scientist. Da-da-daa-da . Huh!? Why are the lights blicking. I just fix them less than five minutes ago. What the, the lift's not working. My lift's stuck. Hey, isn't that your head on the floor Otis. You should have watched yourselves there. What the! I've never seen animals like you, where did you come from? Hey hey, what are you trying to break the cable of my lift. No that you........... Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh....

Hell it is so good to be back to Half life. Nothing beats hapless scientist and non-stop action.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

End of O levels

Finally, it's all over. Now it is time to slack and get a well deserved break after all the stress and the torment of waiting for exam. While in the hall feeling lost and blank trying to crack my head to get the answers out. But I am not getting my new computer until after my holidays back to HK. So most probably about mid of December. In the mean time, I will be getting back to the good old classics like Half Life.Maybe I can go Lan but no DOTA.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Mcq left and an uncertain future

My O level is nearly over, nothing much left but MCQ but it is until next week and I found this quite a waste of time. Anyway, don't feel like talking about the O level. Went with Arun and Yu Zhe to study bio, and Arun bought the Orange box. Hopefully he enjoys it as I somewhat influenced him to buy it and he won't curse and swear at me if he doesn't like it. It was a fun day to sum it up besides the exam that is, quite uncertain for my results. ("Clouded, this boy's future is. Masked by his youth." Yoda). Arghhhhhhh damn you Yoda! The Siths will get your green A**!!!!!!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Monday over

Today is arguably the most tiring day of the O levels, 3 papers and I just feel like shit. I don't even want to touch up on the maths paper tomorrow.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


After a week of exam, I can have a little breather. Not commenting on any of the results or how well I do sort of bullshit. The paper's handed up, no point regretting not doing this or that or crapping around "the paper's easy" when the O level result can go any way.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


A complete lack of motivation and energy for the past week, things are getting worse day by day. Done nothing much probably because my brain is getting oxidised. As for maths, sets and RV are the worse subject to study and I tried this two topics and it wasn't good. I got them wrong practically 2 to 3 times before I got it correct. Chem was quite okay but I doubt it will be any much useful as the O levels are more into application questions this days. Also, listened to FM 98.7 for once, I rarely listen to music stations. Immediately, I sense a disturbance in the force and realized that the radio station is a sinister plot to reduce intelligence. Eg, there was some sort of debate about global warming yesterday on one of the shows, and the comments coming in to "save" it was nonsense, might as well save 30 cents and not insult your own intelligence on national radio. The DJs were busybody and talked crap. Shut it off after an hour or so of the crap. By the way, I find that the station is just trying to earn money when you sms to find the song title playing because the DJ don't want to tell you the song playing.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Really waste my time today. It sux. I really don't know what I am doing. Nothing happened much during the whole day and I just waste my time watching TV and sometimes youtube. One more week to my final exam and next week will be even more worse for me. Also a interesting fact. The ep 2 of Gundam 00 is about Tamils and Sinhala.

Saturday, October 13, 2007


It rained the whole day at my area, making me soaking wet even a short trip to the 7-11 store nearby. But at least it was windy and I don't need to go to school where I would get disgusted by how slow the bus was and the crazy traffic jams outside the main road of the school. Nothing pretty much happened that the newspaper was boring as the Sport section was all about European qualifiers and I don't really like International soccer. The review was shitty too, all local editors and I don't really trust the way they write and the contents in it, unlike sometimes you get good reviews from maybe the New York Times or The standard or a professor from some university and there is clearly a distinguishing gap between the level of intelligence and class between the two. Watched Man vs Wild later at night, nice show. Wish to have more tags coming in by the way. This is a cool website:
Here's one comic from the site, it is similar to Dilbert which I enjoy too.

Friday, October 12, 2007

What I like about blogging

Nothing. Blogging sucks by the way, especially for me, since all I do is to sit at home and watch youtube the whole day, nothing special happens and don't be lame asking me what the hell I ate for my three meals because that is a waste of time. Since blogging is a waste of time, don't expect me to blog daily and I may drop this blog anytime I want to. On the other hand, great to have the protoss carrier back in starcraft II.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

First tag!!!!!!!!!

Congrats to Jon for being the first guy to tag on the Cbox. As a reward, this picture will be dedicated to you Jon. She's called Otome Asakura from da capo II. Rules for tagging: use your REAL name!!!!!! Don't ever use shits like"iceman the mutherf**ker" or any shitty names like that!!! If you insist on using this funny craps, at least comment that "iceman the mutherf**ker is XXXX". Of course there are exceptions, like if you are called Ah gay then use Ah gay instead, don't deny it. I'm sure you all know who I am referring to.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

First blog.

First blog and I don't really know what to say. Hello world or screw this world. Anyway, this blog is just for fun and I don't really care about who comment or what. Nothing much to say really, just that I got some big exam coming and I need to prepare for it and it seems like we all are in a pressure cooker now.