Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Week 7 or 8?

Whatever it is days have passed and after being hit by the flu last week, the new week have started and it had passed very quickly. I can't even think what I did for this week besides eating and sleeping. Not to mention watching TV in my clothes during the extra holiday. And I was shocked how the TV went into my clothes. As for my progress in school, not much could be deduced. It was a blurred and muddled week and the only event that I think is happening is the Beijing Olympics. But the Olympics don't happen in school, I just realised that. And I wonder what the tracks and the field was built for. Anyway, I am really dead tired with the double physical education period back and with numerous projects (besides the most important project) coming in from various subjects like Physics. The time I got with my homework dropped dramatically. It's like a bad family crisis. You are always out in work, your wife thinks you are having a affair with the secretary. The kids are neglected and they indulge themselves into rock metal and the internet. Your superior thinks you are stealing office resources and you are robbed of every welfare including the ergonomically correct chair. Your colleagues are always gossiping non-stop about ants in their pants and the symptoms of stroke. And you think you can go back to school. Well, think no further, anyone wishing to take my homework and my work load can buy them from me. I accept paypal only. The reason I'm saying all this must be because of the flu. Frankly I haven't recover fully. I think I may never, in the state I am in, surviving a flu attack is fortunate enough. Eating the medication prescripted by the doctor it somewhat felt good. A sense of assurance that there's still red pills and antibotics( I hope I didn't mess up with the one the body produces, pardon my lousy and abandoned Biology) for you to eat. I feel like the Italian climber who survived K2 and the avalanche. Suffering from severe frostbites and many other health threatening symptoms he finally returns to the base camp. With his team half dead or missing, it was a fortunate event that he was saved and able to survive. After an examination, I always felt like that. Mentally and psychologically, I am tired and wasted of everything. My brains are near dead and my spirit is on the verge of leaving the body. But what's the best thing? "I am happy to have gone to the summit of K2, it is something that I've always dreamed of," the Italian climber was quoted as saying by the ANSA news agency. Well me too, after every examination and nearly everyday in school, I am also somewhat happy with achieving something. I won't dare say I got very good grades or am a very successful person, I never was. But achieving things small and step by step at a time is good progress. As for the ending, it is no longer safe to board any bus or public transport. You'll never know who is there to stab you just for the fun of it or that your face is just disgusting to the person. If it can happen in a safe country like Canada, then it can happen everywhere. With gobalisation, opportunities can be found in almost any instants and circumstances. Who knows how fast such a trend would set into people's minds. And in the country I am in, there's definitely no escape if you meet a psychopath on the bus. With the crowd beside you there is no route out. And then the schadenfreude over your dead body begins.

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