Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My holiday's over...

It was quite some time since I blogged. Not that I didn't have the chance. I spent about 70% of the time I am awake on the computer. This led to some people thinking I was dead or went to become a hermit(this was commented by my civics tutor when school started). No. I was just slacking away at home. The holiday sure was fast. One day I went out with theCrew, the other I was facing the examination of my Chemistry paper. From the point of a student, I didn't make use of my time during the holidays to catch up on your work, consult your tutor, get some tuition, go to the library. I didn't do any of the above save the last one. I went to the library. Now's that something to be proud. In the country I'm living in, either you hate the library or you embrace it as your second home. And it was such an unused place, people neglect the library, especially the new National Library(Now I'm sure that half of your either never went there before or only explore a few levels). But the library is the pride of the country. No other building can rival the knowledge that it offers to the public. So stop going down to the shopping mall and getting cheated by firms. But one very important fact to take note, I am in no way promoting the Library for those people. Actually, I got a very malignant feeling towards those li******ns, save the ones from Warhammer 40k. With a reference to Dilbert, you'll know why.
Dilbert is in his easy chair, reading a book.
Dogbert, sitting on Dilbert's legs, asks, "Why do you waste your time reading books?"

Dilbert replies, "Because reading increases my knowledge, and knowledge is
Dogbert then argues, "But power corrupts..."
"...and corruption is a crime..."
"and crime doesn't pay..."
He(Dogbert) comes to the inescapable conclusion, and his ears go up as he states, "If you keep reading, you'll go broke!!!"
Dilbert and Dogbert, hair and fur standing on end, stare at the book Dilbert has now abandoned on the easy chair. Dilbert protests, "Gosh! It always seemed so...so...harmless."

To which, Dogbert replies, "Oh yeah, the li******ns would love to have you believe that!"
See, therefore we should jettison them as soon as the technology of robot is matured enough. Hence, my role as a student during the holiday have been much of a opprobrium. But as a normal human, I wasted no time in playing games and enjoying my holiday. I got plenty of rest too. I get to wake up late and sleep late. Optimus Prime once said that"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings." Well, that such is true during the holidays. People get to go on a trip overseas and so on. One remarkable that happened to me was that I am now a full citizen of the country I'm living in now. I just got the passport and I get to enjoy the rights of being one and have to obey to the obligations and rules set by the country. Nonetheless, it was inevitable. Maybe I have taken this country to be my new root, ever since the communist invaded my backyard in my birth country. So yay to myself. That's the good part of my story. Here the tragedy, everyone get ready cos it's gonna get heavy. It was my examinations right after my break. And it was merciless. Right now, in the time plane when this post is written, I'm in the middle of the examination period. You may say that is suicide to be doing this during such a time. But I believe a post on the blog would not be as harmful as 1min of Korean drama. So let's hope the upcoming papers would not be so bad. Actually I'm quite speechless and flabbergasted to a certain extent to describing the exams. It was a hard blow. After just the 1st day, I lost all the energy and mental strength I recovered from the holidays. Now I'm suffering from memory loss, internal injury and repetitive strain injury of my right hand. With such health hazards, it would make being drunk a saint if you compare those two. Anyway, that's the end of this post I fear. I got a lot to catch up before the next paper...

Friday, June 6, 2008

theCrew outing and a summary of another week

Yes we did it. theCrew went back to mshs and we finished our very important mission of collecting our certificates and the pinafore run. It was well worth it to see back my old friends in the very same hostile environment where it all begins. The school never changed much since I walked off from it after the O levels. But there were some new features like a overhead shelter covering one part of the school. So when I stepped into the school, it was like Indiana Jones walking into the Temple of Doom. I sense danger with all the mindless and hapless students of the school roaming around like zombies. But my job was not to waste these people. It was to collect my certificate and escape before the impeding doom arrives. So I rendezvous with theCrew and started our ascend towards the General Office of mshs. I never liked that place. Cause all the big evils of the school are there, their job is not to facilitate students, but to humiliate students. Well I can recall all the instants where people told me how they got scolded when getting a form or when the person needs to leave early. I personally never went there often, since I know the risk involved. But that day was different. I knew I won't be coming back so I got to get the certificate. We stepped in and the personal at the reception table stared at us. That person knew we were graduates coming back to collect our belongings. So she initiated the attack. " What's your name, class and index number.." I clearly couldn't remember my index number. It was the toughest question posed to my in my status as an ex-student of the school. But lucky, with theCrew around, it was a piece of cake. My friend and classmate, Wei Ren said 5, and I wrote it down. Then the person came back with all the certificate and year book. We signed some stupid paper, collected the various items and went out, on the way we meet Mr Kwok and Chen as always posed all the stupid questions for him. It was our farewell gift to him I guess, after all those years of hardship under him. On the way to the bus stop, Jon and Elliot started playing their own games. And we just watched. Then we celebrated our victory with our 2nd most favourite food(1st was the ban mian in Roxy square), Subway. We ordered our sandwiches and tasted the flavour of victory.
The other days of the week meanwhile was not well spent, I practically didn't do much of anything. It was just some light reading here and there, went out for the Guitar BBQ which was another fun filled event. Saw the Pre U seminar sandcastle at the food court of East coast park. It is notable that there are still two more week of holidays left. I somehow feels that time during the holiday is much faster than in school. Meanwhile there is Euro 2008 to watch and I am ready to catch up on football again after the English Premier league ended. Yeah, so it's the end of another week.