Monday, January 4, 2010

1st post of 2010! What next for this year?

It's a brand new year in 2010 and I'm finally blogging again. (How many times have I said this?)Now that I have a little time at home and it's getting a little boring. However, I'm not going to moan about it since I really don't want it to be busy again. The extremes of life is complicated and we should be careful what we wish for. Actually I don't hate or loath such quiet time, I just hate waiting. Patience is the greatest virtue in life, it is one of the hardest to achieve especially in the modern world where we want everything to happen instantaneously.(Something like instantaneous is almost unachievable in signal transfers, most things could only move fastest at the speed of light, eg radio waves in telecommunication via handphones) I'm waiting for the results of my exam last year to come out, hopefully not to haunt me, I really want to start off well my new year well by having good result and having past problems coming back with a vendetta is definitely the last thing on my mind. Of course I'll stop speculating on what will really happen as it is totally unpredictable. (Like having a probability outside the range of 0-100, which means that the result is meaningless.) Looking onwards instead of backwards(something like entropy and the second thermodynamic law which introduced a time arrow into physical laws),this year I have to plan with how to use my time before going off to somewhere 'special'.
One of the best way to use my time now is to read books. Everyone values a good book and the library is the heart and soul of most civilisation. In Trantor, the Trantor library is the place where Hari Seldon spent most of his later life developing psychohistory. The same library also escape the sack of Trantor during the fall of the Empire.(Amid some help from the second Foundation) Hence we can see that everything else can burn but the library should avoid the burn. On top of that, I used some money to buy books at a particular Japanese bookstore in my country I live in. (The Japanese bookstore sells plenty of English books, I have not mastered Nihongo in any sense) Yes, finally I have splashed the cash. (Mr Wenger, I hope you could splash the cash in January too so that Arsenal can be strengthened for the second half of the season.)Of course, this leads to the question of book I am currently reading. Well, you can tell that I read sciences fiction and some other books. And I am in no way going to influence others to read my favorite or recommended books. Free will is another virtue and everyone should know deep inside themselves what they like and go through your instinct to get those books. (Of course Free will to do good is always the priority, if it is just temptation, forget it)
Anyway that's what I have in mind to do for the new year, the rest of the things would depend on the result of last year's exam. Now I'm mainly waiting, thinking about what I've read and worrying about the future.
One post on what happened last year should emerge after the release of result. So watch out for that.
And finally, a long delayed, awaited, tragically short holiday soon. :)