Monday, November 10, 2008

Don't stand where the comet is assumed to strike.

Yes, finally everything that's supposed to be over and things which should not even happen are part of history. Even after the final year examination, everything should stop but hell never stops. It just began. The project which I need to do was the tedious and complicated to complete. Those were crazy times, I even dread sitting in front of my computer during that period. If parents want their children to go play outside and enjoy physical games and have a great time outside, they can volunteer their child to do 1/16 of the project. With that I think they will never spend more than 45 minutes on the computer. What's more you can save money on spectacles too. A great idea in such a special economic situation. But I have learnt a lot from this experience, although I would say that the outcome won't be good. I didn't do well for my presentation and it was pretty disappointing for myself. I can only hope that I can pull myself up in other areas. Besides this, I am no longer taking Chinese language. I have been waiting for this moment even since secondary school. I've never been good at Chinese my entire live even if I have exposure to it constantly. I think it's a sad irony or paradox(I have no idea which,to all literal and knowledgeable readers out there, do not hate me or go on a shopping spree for this) humans have never been good at things they do time and time again. Like my mother does not have any significant improvements in her cooking even if she does it 3 times a day. I have been taking public buses for my live and seen my neighbourhood bus drivers numerous times. But they are still late and unreliable. I guess old habits die real hard. And for most things in life, your skill and improvement just stagnants.
So what's next? The golden question posed to President Obama after taking the white house and instilling a new fresh breathe of air into Americans and their dream since independence. The same question for Arsenal before they meet premier league rival Manchester United at Ashburton Grove. And now me. I could only say that I am going to brace myself for the worse. Next year is Hell's highway of the 21st century. And you need to be more that Sarge Matt Baker to survive it. And don't stand where the comet is assumed to strike too. But for now there is GTA san andreas radio, it have the best collection of ads that I've always enjoy. Here's some of it:

--Proposition 421-- (Kill all smokers)

Woman: If only the world was less like this...

Man: I could use a smoke (sound of lighter)

Woman 2: Hey! Put that out!

Woman: ...and more like this...

Man: I could use a smoke (sound of lighter)

Woman 2: You murderer! I might have children one day! (sound of gunshot)

Woman: Smoking kills. Unless you kill first. If you’re around a smoker, you
-will- die. Smokers may look like they’re relaxed and having fun, but don’t
believe it. Vote "yes" on Proposition 421. Let’s outlaw smoking everywhere-
even in people’s homes, and allow honest citizens to legally kill anyone who
smokes. Let’s live in a world without smokers! Prohibition works- let’s prove
it. Let’s move up the food chain. It’s time to smoke the smokers! Vote
"yes" on Proposition 421.


Man: The sun! Giver of all life! The Mayans worshipped the sun, then they...
disappeared without a trace. Don’t let this happen to you! The fact is, if
you spend time in the sun, you’re almost certain to die! All leading medical
practitioners have determined that sun exposure causes cancer. And heartburn!

Woman: I’m an expert. Going in the sun is as dangerous as smoking, or living
too near a nuclear power station.

Surfer dude: Oh no! Not chemo again!

Man: No! Never again! With Tropicarcinoma!

Woman 2: Keep out the sun’s dangerous rays with Tropicarcinoma! It’s a unique
blend of cocoanut oil, zinc, aluminum, boron, magnesium, and other volatile
metals that neutralize the sun’s rays and form a chemical shield that’s just
great for the skin. And the I.Q.! Try Tropicarcinoma!

Man 2: I’m a lifeguard, and I love Tropicarcinoma! I even coat my eyeballs
and digestive tract. I’m white as a sheet and shooting blanks! I feel great
about myself! And that’s important!

Woman 3: A friend of mine asked me, "why spend time in the sun if it’s
dangerous, and you don’t want a tan?" I just laugh, and try not to think about

Woman 2: Tropicarcinoma. Give the sun a challenge!

--Ultimate Disc in the Dark--

Man 1: In darkness, you only have your nocturnal instincts to rely on.

Man 1: Ultimate disc on the dark! The electric, stimulating new game that’s
sweeping the city of San Fierro! It’s a non-contact, contact sport where you
throw a flying disc in the dark!

Man 2: I got it!

Man 3: Ooh, get him! Nail his ass!

Man 1: It’s a new competitive sport for the uncompetitive! An aggressive,
action-packed game for those who love nature and living on the edge. It’s
harder than football! It’s faster than rugby! It’s about throwing a plastic
disc and catching it! Pitch, then catch! Run to the goal and score! Ultimate
disc in the dark! Just like a real sport, only we made it up! And it has a
great social side.

Man 4: What team are you on?

Man 5: I’m on the other team!

Man 4: Me too! Ah! Take that, silly!

Man 1: If you catch it, you gotta know what to do with it! Some will struggle.
Some will submit. And everyone is laughing! But it’s your quest to come out
on top. This is a great excuse for some serious fun and a way to meet people
like you- and never see them again. Late games begin every night in San Fierro
Civic Park. Or, start your own game! Come play Ultimate Disc in the Dark!